Like I promise you, here you are many pictures of this funny night in Las Vegas.. Do you remember Francesca e Federico? They're two friends of mine that I met in Las Vegas, we went together to the Venetian, I showed some photos in this post. They decided to get married in Vegas and I was the witness, so the bride wanted me and Luca dressed up in white!
After that, while the two newlyweds was out for a romantic dinner, we went to the Madame Tusseaud, so funny!!!!!! Enjoy the pictures!!!
Come vi avevo promesso, ecco tante fotografie di questa divertentissima notte a Las Vegas.. Vi ricordate di Francesca e Federico? Sono due miei amici che ho incontrato a Las Vegas, siamo stati insieme al Venetian, vi ho mostrato delle foto in questo post. Hanno deciso di sposarsi a Las Vegas ed io ero la testimone, così la sposa ha voluto che io e Luca ci vestissimo di bianco!
Dopo di che, mentre i due sposini erano ad una romantica cena, noi siamo andati al Madame Tusseaud, divertentissimo!!!!!! Godetevi le fotografie!!!

I was wearing:
H&M withe dress
Elisabetta Franchi - Celyn B belt
Fendi bracelet
Byba bijoux bangle
Miu Miu clutch
Chanel pendent
Bakers shoes
108 commenti
Wow! a lot of photos. Fantastic!
oooooh fantastico!!!
RispondiEliminaOMG! Obama looks like the real one!! hahah
RispondiEliminaamazing trip and photos !! xx
Obama..yes! such a cute pictures and couple:)
RispondiEliminaGreat photos! I'm your new follower. Follow back if you'd like ;) xo
great pictures ♥
RispondiEliminathanks for your comments!
looks like you had an amazing trip..what a funny pictures you have :)
RispondiEliminacheck out my blog whenever you have a chance :D
warmest regards,
Miss Aa
Wow! I thought that kind of thing only happened in movies! A wedding in Las Vegas!
RispondiEliminaAnd the pics of the museum...really wow!Dressed up like that all pics are quite credible!
So funny !!! Amazing pics ! LOve your hair and your style !
RispondiEliminaSo many beautiful pictures. Seems like you had a lot of fun this night.
RispondiEliminaI've been to Vegas some years ago but it seems that nothing has changed. ;)
°° Lali
so many awesome pics! good job dear ♥
RispondiEliminaHi!! your style is amazing!! and very funny photos!! =), XO
Hello Fabrizia! I'm writting you for say that I'm going to delete my blog, but you can also follow me and writte your opinion in my new site , have a nice weekend! :D
RispondiEliminadress <3 beautiful :)
RispondiEliminaChe meraviglia! <3
RispondiEliminaTi seguo ovviamente! ;)
I love your dress!
RispondiEliminaI love your pictures!
Omg! Great! I love Madame Tussau!
bel vestito !
Cool pictures! I wanna go to Las Vegas!
Hello there sweetie! Thanks for the lovely comment over my blog, it means a lot to me!
RispondiEliminaAwesome post, I would give everything just to be there! Viva Las Vegas baby!
Hope you're having a great day!
xoxo Kiki
lovely pics! ♥
RispondiEliminaThanks for de comment. I love the pictures of las Vegas, you have nice time there.
RispondiEliminaI follow you, i like your blog.
That night must have been very funny!! Thanks for your comment! Why don't we follow eachother? Do you wanna?
RispondiEliminaKisses, Rita
cuanto ti invidio!
RispondiEliminaahah Obama l'hanno fatto bene ma Lindsay Lohan non assomiglia molto !
Divertiti !
Fantastico il matrimonio in Vegas!!!
RispondiEliminaCmq sei sempre bellissima e divertente in queste foto...
amazing photos ! i'm jealous of your fabulous day i LV !
RispondiEliminaand i love your dress :)
new post on my blog xx
that beautiful photos and memories I was at Madame Tussauds New York and also I have lots of pictures this beautiful blog!!! =)
I LOVE Madame Tussauds. They are the best wax museum. I've never been to the one in las vegas, but I have been to the one in Amsterdam & New York City. Love your pictures!
RispondiEliminafunny pictures! Looks like mme Tussauds is worth it!
RispondiEliminaxoxo Sarah
favoloso!! adoro queste foto!
che bello!!
RispondiEliminanuovo post sul mio blog:ti aspetto!
Happy Saturday!
I love Sin City! you should go and see a Cirque du Soleil show they are really amazing and you should try CUT restaurant by Wolfgang Puck at the Palazzo... the best ;)
RispondiEliminaReally like ur blog :)
following... follow back ? ;)
I like it!
RispondiEliminaUn beso,
Ma che figata sposarsi a Las Vegas, dev'essere stata proprio una bella esperienza fare da testimone! Bellissime le foto, adoro Madame Tusseaud :)
RispondiEliminaVery funny and positive pictures! Bravo! You did right, that emphasized the waist with a belt! The contrast of black and white! Bravo!
Thanks for the comment!! I like it :D
lovely photos:)
RispondiEliminaHola Fabrizia!
RispondiEliminaHermoso tu blog! ya soy tu seguidora! Gracias por visitar mi blog y dejarme tu saludo! besitos!
oh girl!!! you've got style!
Great pictures you look lovely!
RispondiEliminaAmazing pics at the Madame Tusseaud's.
RispondiEliminaCongrats to your friends for the wedding.
Do You Speak Gossip?
I love your dress¡¡¡
Thanks for stopping by! You are gorgeous and I love your blog. New follower! Hope you follow back. :)
RispondiEliminathanks :) great fotos :D
RispondiElimina+ follow your blog :)
Ma sei bellissima in queste foto....
RispondiEliminaSono contenta tu sia passata dal mio blog...
ti seguo..mi piace molto il tuo tuo stile è simile al mio..
un bacio grosso...
Thanks for visit my blog! i'm glad you like it :) great your trip!
RispondiEliminafollow you, xx
These photos are amazing!
RispondiEliminaThanks for your comment!
Kisses from Hong Kong,
Hola cariño,precioso viaje a las Vegas,seguro que lo pasaste divinamente,un lujo de viaje.mis felicitaciones.
Haha! That was so much fun. Which wax figure looked best? I think Lindsay looks kinda out of proportion with the fur. hehe
RispondiEliminaFollow my blog
George clooney wife?! Lucky you! :D
RispondiEliminaWhat a lovely blog. You got a new follower!
Awsome blog follow you right now
RispondiEliminaYou look stunning! Looks like you had a great time!
RispondiEliminabellissime queste foto!
RispondiEliminale varie con i vari personaggi sono divertentissime!!!!!chissà come vi siete divertiti!
omg! so much fun!!!! xo
RispondiEliminayou look amazing, the dress is perfect! love the outfit;)
bellissimo blog!!!
RispondiEliminapassa da me!!
bacioni :)
Great pictures you look amazing!
RispondiEliminaThanks for your comment.
I follow you.
Shopper Crossing
Love your blog and this post! I follow you.! Thanks for your comment in my blog. A big kiss :)
Las Vegas is very funny. I love your dress.
Ciao Fabrizia! Parlo anche italiano...Grazie per il tuo commento. Bellissime foto! la prossima volta che vado a Parigi devo assolutamente visitare il Madame Tusseaud... Hai bellissimi capelli!! ti seguo, espero mi seguirai anche te, Bacione, Alinne
Fabolous! i like your blog very much! and the photos are great! i love it! kisses
RispondiEliminaCute pics! You look fabulous!
RispondiEliminaFashion Cat
Quel vestito è delizioso! Come te del resto!! :) M.C
RispondiEliminaHi Fabrizia!! you looks great, love your dress and your beautiful hair!! love your pics!! love your blog!!
RispondiEliminathanks 4 your comment in my blog!
have a nice day!!
Amazing pics, girl! Thank you so much for your comment, wanna follow each other? xoxo
Thanks for visit my blog and for comment!!Great pic!!i like your dress!!1have a nice day!!kiss
RispondiEliminanices and funny pictures:)
RispondiEliminaYou and Luca are so stylish!!
tks for your visit,following you.
Hello beautiful!
RispondiEliminaI love all the pictures! the truth that has to be very nice that married in Las Vegas! hahaha
I follow you, follow you back?
Hope you have a nice day!
Chissà come ti sei divertita! Le foto sono molto belle :) Ti seguo!
Wow ma come son fatte bene queste statue di cera! La foto con Obama quasi quasi mi ha fatto credere che l'avessi incontrato! ahah!!!
RispondiEliminaDovevi sposarti anche tu al las vegas! ;-)
{ Scacco alle Regine }
Great and very funny pictures :)
RispondiEliminaChe figata!!!!!!! Decisamente un viaggio da film ♥ ahahah...ho sempre voluto assistere a un matrimonio a Las Vegas! SMACK
Very nice pics!
RispondiEliminahaha, very nice pic!
RispondiEliminaWe´re following you..=)
Eh Trendy team
che belli che siete :) la foto con hef è senza dubbio la migliore :)
RispondiEliminaHi Fabrizia!
RispondiEliminaThank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm totally in love with your pictures and your blog and following you too ;)
Hi, dear!!!
RispondiEliminaThanks for the comment.
I loved your blog and I'm following you!
Kisses from Brazil,
wow che foto!
RispondiEliminacmq Ariel ha detto che vuole la macchina rosa :)
You look stunning!xx Tanja
Hi! thank you very much for your cute comment! Your blog is so lovely too!! And this wedding is so fun a nice! I hope You enjoyed it!
RispondiEliminaI follow!!
Adrien Loren
Great pictures...
LOVE THE PICS! las vegas is so awesome and im following you! xx
RispondiEliminaI love, lindas fotos.
RispondiEliminaa big kiss.
Greetings from Peru.
Cool pictures!!
RispondiEliminaGod Bess you!!
Sakuranko Blog
My Facebook Page Fan
Looks like you had a very fun trip!! Lovely photos, thanks for sharing!
RispondiEliminaThank you for visiting my blog!!
xoxo, Maryam
RispondiEliminaFunny pictures!!!
I follow you.
las vegas è un posto geniale!!
Che bello il tuo vestito!!!
the wax figure of hugh hefner is incredible. and i love cameron diaz!
RispondiEliminaCool waxworks. And you and the wedding party look great!
Like your dress, love the pic of you next to the Elvis pink car, pretty. :)
RispondiEliminaOmgod, funny @ Jerry Springer, it looks JUST LIKE HIM! LOL
I LOOVE CAMERON DIAZ, looks just like her!
LOL @ THE HEF! His face looks so real! It's kind of scary. O.o lol
Brad Pitts face loos so real too.
LOL, love th epic with tiger woods and luca, and you playing with Saquille O'neal, very cool and fun :D
Love the oprah and obama pics :D fun
I enjoyed this post, it was fun and loved hte pics :D
Thanks for your commen ton my new outfit post! :)
Thank you dear for visiting my blog, i´m glad you like it.Following u!
RispondiEliminaxoxo, Timbo
haha, brilliant. :)
RispondiEliminaVegas looks fun! Thanks for your lovely comment. We're following you on bloglovin follow us back xx
twitter: @inhale_fandb
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
RispondiEliminaYou two are a kick. What funny funny pictures. You two are so great!!
RispondiEliminaLove from Oregon USA,
flowers for you
my twitter
You look gorgeous, great pictures xx
RispondiEliminaLove the photos you & Eva Longoria and with Jerry Springer :-) - both looks so real!
RispondiEliminathanks again for leave comment on my blog and I am glad I am your follower now. Like your style so much.
Nice pictures and I love your outfit ;)
great blog...I like your style a lot..i'm fallowing you.. .kisses from bosnia
RispondiEliminayou have a really cool blog ... ♥ ♥ ♥
RispondiEliminaahahah =)
RispondiEliminaAre people allowed to kiss them? :D I wouldn't miss the oportunity :D
RispondiEliminalovely photos and a great blog :) i just followed you thanks :) follow back if you like too xoxo
RispondiEliminaciao bella!!
Marj Travel Experiences
Frenchie Paris Design Fashionista
very nice photos!! we were also at las vegas in our honeymoon last year. this place was fantastic!!!
RispondiEliminaWow. No comment.
RispondiEliminaMi piace tanto il tuo blog e le tue foto. Ps. adoro il madame tussaud's :) xoxo Rita Talks
RispondiEliminaI'm so curios to read your opinion, thank you for sharing!